Woltjes stroopwafel experience in Volendam
In Volendam on the world famous dike there can be found a residence that used to be a bakery. And not just a normal bakery, no, in this bakery the renowned ‘Stroopwafels’ were made. A couple of years ago this bakery is completely renovated into its previous function and currently traditional bakers are making stroopwafels here again.
When entering this building you will smell the gorgeous smells and first walk into the shopping area where you will many different types and flavours of stroopwafels. When showing your voucher you will be taken downstairs by an old baker. As soon as you are seated the baker will point one of you to assist him into the baking process. He will guide this person and the group through the different steps to take in order to make the stroopwafel. It looks more complicated then it actually is.
After baking the cookie there is a possibility to taste it and afterwards you can walk around through the space which used to be the old bakery. You will the history inside of here and may ask all your questions to the baker.
When you finished your experience you can go upstairs again to see if you would like to take these delicious cookies home as a souvenir or that you want to finish them all immediately.
Visit the demonstration at Woltje's Bakery (max. 20 persons at a time), taste the freshly baked Dutch waffle and receive 10% on all purchases and € 2,50 discount on your personalized syrup waffle tin.