1916 Ride the revolution tour
Climb aboard a customized bus for a dramatic journey through the events of Easter 1916, when rebels rose up to fight against British rule in Ireland for more than 7 centuries. The “Rise of the Rebels” bus is fitted out as an under siege base of revolutionary action.
Watch 2 professional actors bring the events to life on a journey through landmark locations in Ireland’s rise for independence during Easter 1916. Using the testimonies of battle survivors, they will bring to life the struggles that precipitated this call to fight for Ireland’s freedom, giving voice to those who fought in garrisons around the center of Dublin.
Explore battles lost and won in the revolutionary week that changed Ireland forever. Listen to true stories about the 1916 Rising, and walk through key battle locations. Hear the testimony of the people involved, and see places significant to the fight for independence, many of which have been hidden until now!