Ticket to Duomo and Museum of Sacred Art with audioguide
The Museum of Sacred Art of San Gimignano is located in the ancient Dormitory of the Chaplains and holds works from the Collegiata, better known as the Duomo. The museum was established in 1915 at the behest of Cardinal Alessandro Lualdi to enhance and promote knowledge of the historical and artistic heritage of the Collegiate Church of Santa Maria Assunta and the territory of San Gimignano. The Museum is located on two floors and inside it is the particularly noteworthy and splendid painting on wood by Bartolo di Fredi depicting the Madonna della Rosa.
Visitors will have access to an audio guide that will accompany them through the masterpieces of the Museum of Sacred Art and the Duomo which presents a cycle of frescoes dedicated to the stories of the Old Testament (found at the entrance on the right), and those of the New Testament (on the opposite wall) as well as the chapel of Santa Fina, a jewel of the Renaissance.